This I feel is the best way to combat communal, religious and political bigots. It is the moderate forces within each religious group that has to stand up and put the bigots within that religious group in their place. It would now be very difficult for these bigots to question the credentials of Mr. Naik. Similarly, as a Christian I feel it is time the Christians took a stand and distanced themselves from religious politics. It is time the Church took a Christian look at politics to save this crumbling edifice of public morality called politics. These unscrupulous and corrupt Christian politicians also use caste and community to further their own agendas with the church acting as a silent spectator.
Accusing the church of being a silent spectator to the sordid behavior of these so-called Catholic elected representative would be too mild. By omission or commission, it is unfortunate that the church actually participates actively in making these politicians pillars of our society. These corrupt politicians contribute financially to Church activities and in return are given pride of place in Church affairs. So how can one blame the youth for taking up the path of such leaders? What example is this for the youth, who emulate the “rags to riches” successes story of these elected representatives? We in turn create more corrupt leaders rather than grooming better leaders. The Church needs to break this vicious cycle.
There is little doubt that the church hierarchy -- and not Christian individuals -- ought to take the imitative. This is because Christians have an advantage by having Pope as the one religious leader. Then, there are the Bishops, who together form the Catholic Bishops Conference of India. Under this leadership, and with the Church network to back its decisions, it is indeed much easier to give the entire community, even the society, direction.
In the recent Lok Sabba elections in, until about two weeks before the election, I would not have wagered Re 1 on the Congress candidate. At least until the Church stepped in. Why the Church intervened I am not certain, but I am happy they did.. The intervention was in a veiled manner by way of issuing guidelines to voters not to vote for communal parties. Of course, no party was named. Come results, and the Congress candidate won by a thumping majority. That is the power of the Church. It did two things right -- first, gave its flock direction. Second, it trusted its flock to decide.
Recently, media reported of widespread protests by Catholic groups against a movie. They protested evidently because it depicted Catholics in a bad light. Are we not wasting our energies on inconsequential protests? Do real life Catholic politicians who cheat, are corrupt and communal not depicting Catholics in bad light, then how come there are no protests. Maybe we have come to accept this situation as a way of life.
It is time now for the Church to give its flock direction, by discarding, banishing and evicting corrupt politicians. This message must go out loud and clear at every opportunity. Then, let the people decide. People are aware of corrupt politicians, even those running illegal rackets. The media can play an important role of providing information on politicians. Together, the Church and the media can play an important role in cleaning society of corrupt and communal politicians.
You can be sure this is one time when corrupt politician will not want to face people’s verdict. The judicial courts may allow him to get away scot free, but with proper direction and information, the verdict of people’s court will sound the death knell for the immoral holding public office.
The communal side of the corrupt politician will argue that this will allow politicians of other religions to come to power. So be it, we do not want corrupt Christian politicians to be in power. Just because a Christian politician says the rosary does not give him the right to garner Christian votes. Christian votes should be for a politician who has a Christian way of life, irrespective of religious affiliation. This is what I meant by asking the church to shift from Catholic perspective to Christian politics.
The church can do it if we again consider the example available in the places I have lived in Mumbai, Aurangabad and Pune – predominantly Marathi speaking areas. Yet, 90 per cent of the religious services are in English. However, the church in Goa has decided to safeguard Konkani. So, while there are English masses, all children have to prepare for their first Holy Communion in Konkani because the church has decided that if they do not speak Konkani they are not Goans. Nowhere is it said that Catholics must speak Konkani. The point is, if required the church can and will doggedly follow its ideals, in this case to protect Konkani. So, if the church decides to cleanse public life it will have many soldiers who will execute these plans to the hilt.
When our non-Christian friends see us taking the lead in cleansing public life, they too will follow our example. Predictably, they will insist that their leaders on being non corrupt and non-communal.
I can see of no better way for the Church to play a reformist and active role, to bring Christian living in public life. As a Christian, one may sit back and say, `Well, let’s wait for the CHURCH to get its act together’. If your attitude is that, just remember, it is “CH” -- on the left and right “Ú”“R” in the middle. So more of us who are fed up with these corrupt and communal politicians must ask the church to step in and make the vital difference
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