
Ramblings of a citizen and experiences of an entreuprener

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Monday, October 24, 2011

GIDC: A lesson for Bureaucrats

The recent Governmental actions to stem the rot in a scam tainted GIDc is a lesson for Babus. All Government actions were directed at them. If one were to look at the actions themselves it would be clear that the problem lies with the MD and senior staff. Therefore actions against them would be the logical conclusion. However we all know and believe the real culprit has got of scot free.

Therefore henceforth Babus, must think before they collude with higher political authorities because as and when the proverbial S7%t hits the ceiling, the only ones in the firing line are the ones who sign on the dotted  lines. The person who actually benefits only issues verbal orders and is therefore not easy to catch.

The Chairman of GIDC must believe he is the right hand of God or God himself. His actions despite the focus on the wrongdoings at GIDC over the past few months, must make him believe he cannot be caught for the reasons stated above.

How would you explain the Multiplex Bio Tech P Ltd transaction reported recently. The plot was revoked in Jan 11 and was unallocated till Aug 11. During this period GIDC officials were telling prospective entrepreneurs that there was no plots available. Yet a subdivided plot of 5000 sqm was allotted to Damu Naik and 2500 sqm was ear-marked M/s Shetye. Neither featuring in the list of pending applications. The GIDC top management has been summarily returning applications and stone walling any new applicant under the guise of Task Force Report is awaited. They have entertained these two application and gone ahead. The balance 21000sqm with a street value of Rs 11 crores is stock in trade. Whose stock is this? If reports coming from inside GIDC are to be believed the Chairman has started an investigation into the leak. Why, should he not be finding out who hoarded the plot or benefited? One reason he already knows.

When subdividing a plot under TCP rules which as per RTI replies states that GIDC comes under their ambit, 15% of the land is supposed to be left as open space. This was not done and is therefore a violation. This means that the subdivision of the Mehul plot has a similar violation. No intimation has been given to TCP and how many such plots exist?

This subdivision is done by GIDC to enable the Chairman/Managing Director to allot plots, as the rule says plots less than 10000 sqm do not need Board approval. It is good to know that GIDC follows rules. But can we seriously believe that only the MD was responsible for the above transaction? That the plot was allotted or earmarked to a select person, with possibly a good project out of turn without the concurrence of the Chairman.

Would the MD of GIDC give a plot to Damu Naik who is an opposition MLA and risk the wrath of his Chairman who is a congress man? It is possible but not feasible. On paper the MD is the one responsible. The fact that this happened as late as Aug 11, when the heat and spotlight was well and truly focused on GIDC, implies that everyone believed they could get away because an unseen hand offered protection. Yet the file noting will not or never have a mention as to who gave instructions to do the wrong things.

Obviously, this protection does not apply to bureaucrats, given the actions. They are easy to scarfice. The officers who rise to senior positions from the ranks or on deputation or officiating are more vulnerable to getting caught in a compromising position. Their weakness is exploited and the end result is sad, a career is at stake or retirement benefits after years of hard work are put in jeopardy. A pity.

Unless the real culprit stands up and raises his hand the bureaucrats will be in trouble in the GIDC case. Therefore the moral of the story for career bureaucrats is keep GIDC story cuttings on your respective desks to remind you about the perils of blindly following verbal instructions of unscrupulous politicians. 

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