This first appeared in "The Goan Everyday"
In my last column, I had appealed to
the local authorities to address the problem of illegal constructions
and unauthorised structures on the public land by enforcing the
existing rules. Lo and Behold, a news report reminded me that the
Government was seriously apprised about the problem and were working
on the solution. The options were, do nothing or follow the law and
remove the illegal structures. The Government seems to have found
another route, change the law and make everything legal.
Apparently in his budget speech of
2014, the then Chief Minister Parrikar had promised to legalise all
structures which were constructed illegally. Apparently there are
30000 such structures around Goa. The logic apparently was that by
making the structure legal it would be possible to collect atleast Rs
100 crores as house tax. Lots of money for a cash strapped
Government. This way the Government would be able to make some money
on services rendered. After all the illegality was only because the
house owners could not complete the complex formalities related to
getting construction permissions. Since Mr. Parrikar is elevated to
the center, the current Chief Minister is ensuring that the promise
is fulfilled.
Rather than first simplify the
procedures so that no more illegal structures come up, the government
in its wisdom decides to legalise the structures in one stroke. The
Dy CM has gone a step further and has asked the panchayats to issue
“house nos” because the cabinet has taken a policy decision.
Imagine the confusion. “House nos” will be issued without
following existing procedures. Once, “house nos” are issued the
panchayat can start collecting house tax is the logic behind the
hurry. The rider, “house no.” does not make the structure legal,
it is only for the purpose of collecting tax. So this means in every
panchayat we will have legal houses with house nos and illegal houses
nos. More confusion.
The story does not end there. There is
another complication, cutoff date. Already there are two cut off
dates being bandied around, one 28 Feb 2014 and another 2000.
Structures built before the cutoff date will survive. The logic of
these cut off dates is not important. It is some date that seems to
have popped up in the decisions makers mind. I wonder why they do not
just say all illegal structures constructed “as on date” will be
regularised, that way even the new illegal structures will get
regularised as they come up. After all the government has taken a
policy decision and moreover why wait and lose house tax revenue.
The only opposition to this seemingly
hare brained scheme seems to be coming from the leader of the
opposition, he seems to believe that the only beneficiaries of this
scheme will be non goans who are illegally occupying goan land.
There is no doubt that this could be close to the truth.
Then why were the Baina structures
demolished, surely they could have contributed to the house tax, and
dilly dallying on the structures on Chicalim comunidade land. There
does not seem to be a single direction that the government wants to
take, it is either case to case basis or area to area. Another way of
putting it is the government is deciding as per their whims and
fancies of elected representatives. Not really the best method for
deciding a policy.
The cumbersome procedures that other
law abiding citizens follow to build their homes has two parts. One
part relates to the ownership of land. The permissions can only be
given if the land is owned by the applicant and if the land is
designated for settlement. The other part is the construction has to
follow a set of rules with respect to setbacks, heights area etc.
What this decision will do is ensure no one follows the cumbersome
procedures, they will build where they want and how they want and
then wait for the simple procedure of regularisation.
Another signal that this scheme will
send immediately across the country is that Goa is a soft State and
they welcome everyone with the promise of providing free land and
“house no”, this is in addition to ration card, electricity water
etc. That is why Goa is called Paradise?????
The solution our dear leaders have
worked out is flawed and definitely not in the interest of goans or
Goa. Since this decision benefits a section of the vote bank, the
only beneficiaries will be the political class which must be keeping
an eye on the forthcoming elections in 2017 or earlier.
So, all efforts must be made by law
abiding citizens to force the government to rethink this goan
unfriendly scheme. The citizens must push the law makers to
reconsider the cumbersome procedures of home building, they are
already thinking on those lines with reference to construction
licenses of builders under PM Modi's, ease of business mantra, surely
they can do the same for the AMM ADMI and see that Ache Din spreads
to law abiding and not law breaking citizens.